About us

We train in 15 areas of expertise: sales - commerce, assistants - support functions, real estate, insurance, temporary work - recruitment, management - finance, IT - web, management, international. We are the only training centre with such a comprehensive range of courses, capable of accompanying our students throughout their working lives. They can start with a Bac+2 and continue their studies until they obtain their Bac+5.

This is why, more than studies alone, we have chosen to capitalise on the importance and richness of an alumni network.

The aim of this platform is to bring you together, from all campuses and all courses of study, in order to establish and maintain lasting links between you, to federate the community and to encourage the professional integration of future graduates.

"This approach aims to cultivate links and mutual support between you, the students, both former and current. Support for entrepreneurship, a springboard for recruitment, business development... this project will generate real opportunities for everyone. Valérie Sommerlatt, Director